by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Talent management
Stay interviews – what are they, and why are they important? Did you know that 52% of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job? (Source) That’s a staggering number....
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
Strong collaboration takes work and effort … it doesn’t just happen. We have seen the quickly changing landscape of our businesses and teams in the past few months amidst COVID-19, and with this comes an entirely different way of communicating and engaging with one...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Performance Management
As we continue to navigate the tricky waters of COVID-19, many companies are now changing the way in which they do business, transitioning from the traditional approach of working in a physical office environment, to the new reality of working virtually. This requires...
by Sofia Arisheh | Training and Development
Let’s face it … online meetings can be awkward … and dare I say boring! But they don’t need to be. Sitting at a computer all day, glued to a screen can be draining. I’m sure we have all felt it recently! When managing and leading our...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement
During times of crisis, it’s even more imperative to have a communication plan in place and adopt various communication methods to communicate clearly, concisely and consistently with your team. Having a plan ensures that you reach all employees (and other...