by Sofia Arisheh | Leadership
“You are always on stage. Your misplaced time and attention is not a neutral act. No news is never good news. No news kills the very behaviours you want to multiply.””First Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently” by...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
“Without trust, we don’t truly collaborate; we coordinate – or at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team.””The Speed of Trust: The One thing That Changes Everything” by Stephen M.R. Covey Trust is earned. If you...
by Sofia Arisheh | Leadership
New York Times’ next best-selling book: The Year of 2020. It started with a captivating introduction filled with positivity, hope, and an eagerness for a new beginning – a new decade full of opportunities. This was swiftly disrupted by an unpredictable plot twist....
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership, Performance Management, Talent management
“Touchdown Tuesday: Coaching and Leading Our Teams in Sports and Workplaces” – a collaboration that began with a casual conversation around coaching. It all started after I had read the book “Thank You Coach: Learning How to Live by Being Taught How to Play” by...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement
We have all been there! The dreaded office meeting … again! Teams pulled out of production to meet to discuss updates, news and what’s in the pipeline. While the meetings themselves are a mechanism to get the team together to collaborate, brainstorm, communicate and...