by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Talent management
Stay interviews – what are they, and why are they important? Did you know that 52% of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job? (Source) That’s a staggering number....
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, HR Compliance
Every employee has the right to work in a respectful environment where they are treated with value and dignity, free from any discrimination, bullying, or harassment. In fact, in British Columbia, it’s the law! WorkSafeBC, our provincial safety enforcement...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
“Without trust, we don’t truly collaborate; we coordinate – or at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team.””The Speed of Trust: The One thing That Changes Everything” by Stephen M.R. Covey Trust is earned. If you...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement
“If developed and leveraged, [this] one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Yet, it is the least understood, most neglected, and most underestimated possibility of our time. That one thing is trust” Stephen...