by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
Strong collaboration takes work and effort … it doesn’t just happen. We have seen the quickly changing landscape of our businesses and teams in the past few months amidst COVID-19, and with this comes an entirely different way of communicating and engaging with one...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership, Performance Management, Talent management
“Touchdown Tuesday: Coaching and Leading Our Teams in Sports and Workplaces” – a collaboration that began with a casual conversation around coaching. It all started after I had read the book “Thank You Coach: Learning How to Live by Being Taught How to Play” by...
by Sofia Arisheh | Leadership, Training and Development
“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you’re capable of being. Never stop learning.” John C. Maxell I hear that learning keeps us young … here’s hoping! Aside from remaining forever...
by Sofia Arisheh | Leadership
Almost every success I have had in both my life and business is a direct result of the incredible people in my network. A powerful statement, but 100% true. My network has helped me land new jobs to advance in my career, partake in committee and volunteer work,...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
From experience, I have found that one of the most common reasons mergers and acquisitions (M&As) fail is the lack of focus on the human factor or people side of change. Oftentimes, leaders focus on financial projections and give second thought to the emotional...
by Sofia Arisheh | Culture and Engagement, Leadership
Some of my fondest memories have revolved around sport. From the time I was a young girl growing up in the deserts of Kuwait, I vividly remember actively playing tennis on the red clay courts, swimming in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf, figure skating at the...